Optimal readiness of the athlete
Key to win the game is a good preparation, mentally and physically
Optimal readiness in Sports
Winning the game is the result of a good preparation of body and mind. BioRICS Mindstretch gives every athlete the right tool to well-prepare for the game by taking good care of the energy balance.
Road to victory

Stress Coping

Physical balance

Improve Performance

Become a winner
BioRICS Mindstretch leads to a better performance
Mental strength is what most often makes the difference between winning or losing and it all starts with a good preparation.
Mindstretch software allows athletes to follow-up their daily energy expenditure and recovery in the weeks before a competition. As athletes train more intense in this period and use a lot of their energy in the physical preparation, the information of mental recovery helps them to better manage the quality of resting moments and energy balance.
Experience with the BioRICS Mindstretch tool showed that athletes who could capture a lot of recovery (= green days) before the game were mentally better prepared and able to perform better in the competition.

Preparing for the 24hr race – use case
This year, 10 drivers of the GetSpeed race team prepared for their most important competition, using BioRICS Mindstretch. One driver – who monitored 95 % of the time – realised 29 “green” days by taking good care of his mental balance and his sleep quality. During the 24hr race, he was the only driver who stayed in his mental focus zone 80% of the time he drove and consequently realised the best average lap time.
The normally fastest driver of this group did not monitor during the preparation. He drove 42 % of the time in his mental focus zone and 32 % of the time in the distress zone. On average, he was 10 seconds per lap slower than the mentally better prepared driver. The team finished in the third position in this heavy race.

Better results with another approach
Koen Joosen of Sportpraktijk used Mindstretch to coach a high level hockey player. This high potential player faced some issues linked to stress which prevented her to perform as expected during important games.
The player, coached by Koen and Dominique Monami (a formal professional tennis player), looked forward to improve her performance with this new approach.
The objective monitoring results before, during and after the game, gave them some amazing insights and supported the coaches to find the right way to improve the performance of the player.
Read here the full blog post on how they improved the players performance with another approach.