First experience with Mindstretch
Mindstretch: a monitoring app
Hello everyone,
My name is Anke and for the next 4 months I will be working at BioRICS as a social media expert. In this blog I’d like to share how different persons are using the Mindstretch app, what they experience with Mindstretch and what they learn from the insight with the measurements.
First experience
Let’s begin with my own first experience. I started monitoring two weeks ago and was wondering what my energy-takers and energy-givers would be.
The first few days, I got a lot of green (recovery) but towards the end of the week, my recovery levels decreased and my days became more orange (more energy use). Especially my nights weren’t recovering at all, which I found bizarre because I didn’t feel like if I hadn’t slept enough.
On the other hand, at the end of the first week, I suffered from a heavy headache. This was the result I got from badly recovering at night and I was surprised that Mindstretch could detect what my body was experiencing before I even knew! After the heavy headache, my nights became better and I recovered more and more while sleeping.
Insight by measurements, not by “feeling”
I realised that what I perceive is not always identical to my measurements. For example, when I play music. I enjoy doing it very much and would think that these moments are very relaxing.
However, the experience with Mindstretch gave me another insight.
As I need to concentrate while playing, it requires a lot of mental energy. I play a wind instrument and therefore need a lot of air. Especially when I have to play really loud, my heart rate goes up and I’m using some physical energy too.
For me, I consider the energy used for playing music as a positive thing. It gives me great excitement and makes me feel happy.
Ready for the experience with Mindstretch?
From these first results, I learnt that Mindstretch can give a lot of insights in a person’s life and daily activities and I’m curious to find out more in the next weeks.