Move to Cure on the road

Move to Cure

Move to Cure and BioRICS have a long relationship which started at AC Milan in 2006.

Today, Lieven Maesschalck (CEO Move to Cure) visited Daniel Berckmans (CTO BioRICS) to learn about Mindstretch and how this technology can make a difference in rehab.

The interview can be watched in 3 short video’s on Move to Cure’s Facebook page.


The daily monitoring of the physical and mental recovery of a professional athlete can be used in preventing injuries, recovering from injuries or by improving performance.

Lieven Maesschalck – Move to Cure

The request of AC Milan

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Our Customers

People @ Work
Stress and Recovery monitoring in every day life & work to help the individual manage stressors and stay in balance!

Racing & sports team coaches
Real-time follow-up of heart rate, stress and focus of the driver or player during competition, for safe and optimal performance.

Manufacturers and OEM suppliers to Automotive, Defense, Sports
Algorithms for individual mental state monitoring (stress, fatigue, drowsiness) that can be integrated in the manufacturer’s own software/platform.