“With-Me” Artemis EU project
The EU “With-Me” project, funded by EU Artemis and IWT (for Belgian partners), aims at providing a health promotion platform and personalized services in order to improve the individual’s general health condition and to prevent occurrence from a range of diseases. For that purpose, “With-Me” is designed around three pillars:
- An embedded platform for multivendor nomadic sensors,
- Interoperable intelligent sensors for well-being monitoring,
- An open architecture for persuasive electronic services.
21 partners from different European countries are working together in this 4-year challenging project which kicked-off in 2013.

To make the project more concrete, a local pilot study on the prevention of obesity was conducted. With different Flemish partners (Remedus, Sirris, Human Interface Group, Ready 2 improve and BioRICS), a remote coaching platform was developed to help patients in their journey to a more active and healthy lifestyle via an application on the smartphone and a remote website for their coaches to enable a direct follow-up of their patients from distance.
The smartphone tracked the activity of these patients (daily and activities), together with their food (vegetables and fruit) and water intake. A common agenda between the coach and the patient was created and individual goals, related to the measured activities were defined on a daily and a weekly scale.
In this development study, BioRICS has been responsible for the collection, transmission and analyses of biological measurements of the patients, such as activity and heartrate during both daily activity and the specific exercises for the patients. During the project, special algorithms were developed as well tools to distinguish the different daily activities and to provide valuable feedback on the specific exercises, next to the technical implementation of a performant data transmission service on the smartphone.
After several pilot trials, the pilot study was executed during the timeframe of April – May 2016 where 10 patients were measured in a timeframe of 4 weeks. In total, more than 3000 hours of data were successfully recorded, transmitted and processed using the BioRICS services and algorithms.
This project ended in September 2016.